So, on way home from dropping somebody off at bus station - feeling like the Grinch. Twice in one day now, I've opted to take the low road and say 'no' to seemingly innocuous, innocent requests for assistance. One was for baby formula (this the 3rd time in as many months that this request has been made-much more going on in this situation)- the other was this one request made by a gentleman on way from POrtland to N. Calif. This gentleman had some speech difficulties, but seemingly no cognitive issues. He knew what he needed to know - and it worked well for him. He explained his predicament, seemed to get a bit testy as I asked questions, more frustrated with a system or persons that would drop somebody off in the middle of our little town with nary a plausible extrication route. but he explained his situation - I told him I'd make some phone calls and check what could happen. By the time I got off the phone he'd called back saying the folks at the restaurant had given the necessary fare and now just needed a ride to the transit station - which I agreed to provide.
He explained how he'd been given enough to make the first leg of his trip, but when he arrived at that destination he'd need to work in order to fund the remaining portion of his trip. I'm thinking to myself - as bad as I felt/ frustrated as I was with a system/person who'd dropped him off in a seemingly dead-end location such as this - - - now here I was doing the same thing. 'You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch." I hadn't brought a wallet - - didn't have access to cash - - just dropped him off and said fair-well.
When I got back to office, I listened to a phone message from the owner of the restaurant he'd been helped at - - I called back and thanked him for being willing to help - as much as he was able - He explained how the patrons of the restaurant had chipped in and given him the full amount he claimed he needed to complete his journey - with some left over for coffee and a bite to eat.
Wow - - God bless that guy - he knew how to work the system: he got what he needed, and then pushed a little bit more to get just that bit extra. I didn't tell the restaurant owner how he continued asking for more of what he'd already been given. Didn't figure he needed that rain on his parade.
Probably don't need to- shouldn't post this even. This is more for my own cathartic sense of dumping, but I most likely will anyway.
Oh, and an addendum - just had someone drop off $1000 worth of toys and books and stuffed animals and such - - - Wow - may the blessings find their mark.